10 Reasons Why do snakes eat themselves? 

Snakes are fascinating creatures that have captured the imaginations of people for centuries. These cold-blooded reptiles are known for their unique physical features, impressive hunting skills, and mysterious behaviors.

One of the most bizarre behaviors some snakes exhibit is self-cannibalism, where they eat their bodies. This behavior may seem shocking, but it is not uncommon in the world of snakes.

In this article, we will explore the reasons why do snakes eat themselves and shed some light on this curious phenomenon.

What is self-cannibalism in snakes?

Self-cannibalism, or self-eating, is a behavior in which a snake consumes parts of its own body.

This behavior is observed in various species of snakes, including king cobras, black mambas, and rattlesnakes.

The snake may start by biting its own tail and then consuming it, or it may begin by consuming other parts of its body, such as its own skin or eggs.

Why do snakes eat themselves?

There are several potential explanations for why snakes eat themselves. We will explore each of these potential explanations in detail.


Stress is one of the most commonly cited reasons for self-cannibalism in snakes. Like all animals, snakes experience stress in response to various stimuli, including changes in their environment, handling, and interactions with other animals.

Stress can manifest in different ways, including reduced appetite, increased activity levels, and aggression toward other animals or themselves.

In some cases, snakes may become so stressed that they begin self-cannibalism.

The exact mechanisms underlying this behavior are not well understood, but it is thought to be related to changes in the snake’s brain chemistry.

Specifically, stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline can cause changes in the snake’s brain that alter its behavior, making it more likely to engage in self-cannibalism.

Additionally, stress can lead to changes in the snake’s digestive system, making it more difficult to digest food properly. It can lead to the snake trying to eat itself as a way of trying to digest its own body.

Temperature regulation issues

Snakes are ectothermic, meaning they rely on external sources of heat to regulate their body temperature. When their environment is too cold, they may become lethargic and inactive.

However, when their environment is too hot, they may become hyperactive and start to exhibit unusual behaviors such as self-cannibalism.

The exact reasons why snakes might engage in self-cannibalism due to temperature regulation issues are not entirely clear.

One possibility is that when a snake is too hot, it may become confused and disoriented, leading it to try to consume itself.

Alternatively, when a snake is too cold, it may try to warm itself up by curling up into a tight ball, which can sometimes lead to accidentally biting its own tail.


Shedding is a natural process that all snakes go through as they grow. A snake’s old skin is shed off during shedding, revealing new, healthier skin underneath.

However, shedding can sometimes be a painful and uncomfortable process, especially if the snake has difficulty shedding its skin.

In some cases, snakes may engage in self-cannibalism as a way of helping themselves shed.

Specifically, they may eat the outer layers of their own skin, which can help to loosen the old skin and facilitate the shedding process.

However, this behavior is relatively rare, and most snakes are able to shed their skin without resorting to self-cannibalism.


Snakes have a high metabolic rate, requiring a lot of energy to maintain their bodily functions. This high metabolic rate can sometimes lead to unusual behaviors, including self-cannibalism.

Specifically, if a snake is not getting enough food to meet its energy needs, it may try to eat itself to obtain the necessary nutrients.

However, this behavior is relatively uncommon in healthy snakes, as they are generally able to obtain enough food to meet their energy needs.

Additionally, self-cannibalism is not a sustainable way for a snake to obtain nutrients, as it will eventually run out of body parts to eat.


Illness or injury can sometimes cause a snake to engage in self-cannibalism.

For example, if a snake has a disease or injury that makes it difficult to eat or digest food, it may try to eat itself to obtain the necessary nutrients.

Alternatively, if a snake has a parasitic infection, the parasites may be causing the snake to experience unusual behaviors such as self-cannibalism.

Genetic abnormalities

Certain genetic abnormalities or mutations can cause snakes to exhibit unusual behaviors, including self-injury.

For example, some species of snake have a genetic predisposition to cannibalism, meaning that they may be more likely to bite themselves or other snakes.

In other cases, a genetic abnormality may affect a snake’s ability to perceive its surroundings, disorienting and potentially harming itself.

It’s important to note that genetic abnormalities in snakes are relatively rare and usually occur due to a spontaneous mutation rather than being inherited from the snake’s parents.


Hunger is another potential reason why snakes may engage in self-cannibalism. If a snake is not getting enough food to meet its energy needs, it may try to eat itself to obtain the necessary nutrients.

This behavior is more likely to occur in captive snakes that are not being fed enough, as wild snakes can generally find enough food to survive.

Constrictive habitat

Snakes require a certain amount of space to move around and explore their environment. If they are kept in a small, constrictive habitat for an extended period, they may become stressed and start exhibiting unusual behaviors such as self-cannibalism.

Additionally, a small habitat may not provide enough opportunities for the snake to find food, which can lead to hunger and malnutrition.


Sometimes, snakes may become confused and disoriented, leading them to engage in self-cannibalism. This confusion may be caused by changes in their environment, such as moving to a new location or being handled by a human.

Additionally, some snakes may be more prone to confusion than others, depending on their species and individual temperament.


Some parasites can infest snakes and cause them to behave abnormally.

For example, a parasitic infection can affect a snake’s nervous system, causing it to become disoriented and confused.

The snake may then inadvertently bite itself while trying to capture prey or simply due to losing coordination.

Certain parasites, such as ticks or mites, can also cause irritation or discomfort to a snake’s skin, leading it to bite itself in an attempt to relieve the discomfort.

Is It Dangerous For Snakes To Try To Eat Themselves?

Yes, it is dangerous for snakes to try to eat themselves. This behavior, known as self-cannibalism or autophagy, can lead to serious injury.

Snakes have a strong feeding response and often strike at anything that moves, including their own tail. If a snake starts to swallow its own tail, it can become stuck and cause a blockage in its digestive tract. It can lead to serious health problems.

Additionally, when a snake tries to eat itself, it can cause severe injuries to its body. The snake may bite off chunks of its own flesh, causing open wounds and exposing itself to infection. It may also damage its internal organs or break its bones in the process.

Self-cannibalism is a dangerous and potentially fatal behavior for snakes. If you notice a snake attempting to eat itself, it is important to seek veterinary care immediately.

Can snakes eat themselves to death?

Yes, snakes can eat themselves to death if they are not stopped. Self-cannibalism can cause serious health problems, including blockages in the digestive tract, injuries, infections, and sepsis.

In severe cases, a snake may continue to try to eat itself even after sustaining significant damage to its body, leading to a prolonged and painful death.

In addition to the physical harm caused by self-cannibalism, this behavior may also be a sign of underlying health issues or stress.

It is important to identify the underlying cause of the behavior and address any health or environmental issues to prevent the snake from attempting to harm itself again in the future.

What Should You Do If Your Snake Tries To Eat Itself?

If you observe your pet snake attempting to eat itself, it is important to take immediate action to prevent it from harming itself.

Self-cannibalism, also known as autophagy or self-digestion, is a serious condition that can be caused by stress, starvation, or other health issues. 

Here’s what you can do:

  • Stop the Snake: Carefully and gently remove the snake’s head from its tail, making sure not to injure the animal. You can use a blunt object like a pencil or ruler to pry its mouth open if it is firmly latched on.
  • Evaluate its Health: Inspect the snake for any injuries, infections, or parasites that could be causing it distress. If you notice any issues, consult a veterinarian who specializes in reptiles.
  • Improve Living Conditions: Make sure your snake is living in a spacious, clean environment that meets its specific needs. Ensure that the temperature and humidity levels are appropriate for your snake species.
  • Reduce Stress: Reduce stress factors in your snake’s environment. Avoid handling your snake too much and minimize noise and light exposure.
  • Monitor the Snake: Observe your snake closely for any signs of abnormal behavior, such as refusing to eat, lethargy, or abnormal shedding. If you notice any signs of illness, contact a veterinarian immediately.

By improving your snake’s living conditions and reducing stress, you can help prevent this behavior from happening again.

Are snakes immune to their own venom?

Yes, many species of snakes are immune to their own venom. It is because they have evolved a resistance to the specific toxins found in their venom.

The resistance is thought to be due to a combination of genetic adaptations and exposure to low doses of their own venom during development.

However, it’s important to note that not all snakes are immune to their own venom.

For example, some species of rattlesnakes can be bitten by their own kind and suffer from the effects of the venom. It all depends on the specific species and the composition of their venom.


Is self-cannibalism common in snakes?

No, it is not common. In fact, it is quite rare and is typically only observed in captive snakes that are kept in inadequate or stressful environments.

What are the signs that a snake is about to eat itself?

Some signs that a snake may be about to engage in self-cannibalism include biting its own tail or body, refusing to eat, or displaying signs of stress, such as pacing or trying to escape its enclosure.

Is self-cannibalism a sign of a healthy snake?

No, it is not. Self-cannibalism is typically a sign that a snake is under stress or in poor health.

Can self-cannibalism be prevented?

Yes, self-cannibalism can be prevented by ensuring the snake is kept in a stress-free environment and provided with adequate food, water, and shelter.

It is also important to monitor the snake’s behavior and seek veterinary attention if any signs of stress or illness are observed.

Is self-cannibalism harmful to the snake?

Yes, self-cannibalism can be harmful or even fatal to the snake. Ingesting its own tissue can cause intestinal blockages, infections, and other health problems.

How far can a snake eat itself?

A snake can theoretically eat any part of its body. But typically, it will only be able to reach up to a certain point before they are physically unable to continue. It may vary depending on the species of snake and the flexibility of its body.

Can a snake poison itself?

Yes, if a snake has venom in its fangs, it is possible for it to inject that venom into its own body if it bites itself while attempting to self-cannibalize. It can lead to serious health complications or even death for the snake.

What happens when a snake eats itself?

Eating its own body can cause several health problems for a snake, including ingesting harmful toxins, intestinal blockages, and infections. In severe cases, self-cannibalism can result in death.

What does the snake eating itself mean?

Self-cannibalism is not normal for snakes and is typically a sign of extreme stress, hunger, or illness. It may also result from environmental factors, such as a lack of space or inadequate living conditions.

In general, self-cannibalism is not a positive or healthy behavior for snakes and should be taken as a sign that the snake is in distress.


There are several potential explanations for Why do snakes eat themselves. These include stress, temperature regulation issues, shedding, hypermetabolism, illness or injury, genetic abnormalities, hunger, constrictive habitats, confusion, and parasites.

While some of these explanations are more commonly cited than others, it is important to note that self-cannibalism in snakes is relatively rare and usually occurs due to some form of underlying stress or disturbance.

Suppose you suspect that a snake is engaging in self-cannibalism. In that case, it is important to seek veterinary attention immediately to identify and address any underlying health issues or environmental factors that may be contributing to the behavior.

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Mian Hasnat

As an animal lover since childhood, Mian Hasnat has always had a deep interest in the intricacies of animal life. His passion for animals has only grown over time, and he finds great joy in researching and writing about various aspects of the animal kingdom.

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