How to Tell if a Leopard Gecko is Pregnant? 5 signs of a Pregnant Leopard Gecko

Leopard geckos are popular pets among reptile enthusiasts. These small, docile lizards are easy to care for and can live up to 20 years in captivity.

If you have a female leopard gecko, there’s a chance she may become pregnant if she has been housed with a male.

It’s important to know how to tell if your leopard gecko is pregnant, so you can provide her with proper care and ensure the health of her and her offspring.

In this article, we will discuss the signs of pregnant leopard geckos and how to prepare for the arrival of new gecko babies.

Breeding Leopard Geckos

Breeding leopard geckos can be a rewarding experience for any reptile enthusiast. Before embarking on the breeding process, it is important to ensure that both the male and female geckos are healthy and in prime condition.

A healthy gecko will have good body weight, clean and smooth skin, clear eyes, and will be active and alert.

To encourage breeding success, it is recommended to introduce the male and female geckos to each other during the breeding season, which typically occurs during the spring and summer months.

It is important to provide a suitable breeding environment, which includes a spacious terrarium with plenty of hiding places, a warm basking spot, and a suitable substrate for egg-laying.

How to Tell if a Leopard Gecko is Pregnant

Swollen abdomen

A swollen abdomen is one of the most apparent signs of a pregnant leopard gecko. As the eggs develop inside the female, her abdomen gradually enlarges. The swollen belly may appear round and firm to the touch.

This sign usually occurs three to four weeks after breeding. However, keep in mind that a swollen abdomen could also be a sign of illness or other health issues.

It is essential to monitor the swelling closely and seek veterinary care if you notice any unusual changes in your gecko’s behavior.

Loss of appetite

Another common sign of pregnancy in leopard geckos is a loss of appetite. The female may become less interested in eating and drinking as the eggs develop inside her.

This behavior change can be due to hormonal changes in the gecko’s body. However, it is important to ensure that the gecko has access to fresh water and a balanced diet, even if she is not eating as much as usual.

Visible eggs

One of the most significant signs of pregnancy in leopard geckos is the appearance of visible eggs. As the eggs develop inside the female, they may become visible through the skin of her belly.

The eggs can appear as small, white bumps under the skin. You may also notice the female digging in her enclosure to create a suitable nesting spot for the eggs.

Slow movement

As the pregnancy progresses, the female leopard gecko may become slower and less active. This behavior change is due to the extra weight of the developing eggs.

The gecko may also spend more time in her hiding spot as she prepares for the impending birth. It is essential to provide a comfortable, stress-free environment for the pregnant gecko, including a warm, humid hide to promote healthy egg development.


Stress can also be a sign of pregnancy in leopard geckos. Pregnant leopard geckos may exhibit stress-related behaviors, such as refusing food, hiding or avoiding interaction with humans, and pacing or scratching at the enclosure.

It’s important to ensure that the leopard gecko has a suitable and comfortable enclosure, with appropriate temperature and lighting, to help reduce stress levels.

High-stress levels can also lead to complications during pregnancy and may affect the health of the gecko and her developing eggs.

The Effects of Stress on Pregnant Leopard Geckos

Stress can have a negative impact on a pregnant leopard gecko’s health and well-being.

Some of the effects of stress on a pregnant leopard gecko include the following:

Reduced appetite

Stress can cause a reduction in appetite, which can lead to malnutrition and weight loss.

It can be especially concerning for a pregnant gecko, as proper nutrition is essential for healthy egg development.

Weakened immune system

Stress can weaken a leopard gecko’s immune system, making them more susceptible to infections and illnesses.

It can be particularly concerning during pregnancy, as the gecko’s immune system is already under strain.

Increased risk of complications

Stress can increase the risk of complications during pregnancy and birth, including egg binding and dystocia. These conditions can be life-threatening for the gecko and require immediate veterinary attention.

Behavioral changes

Stress can also cause changes in a leopard gecko’s behavior, such as increased hiding and reduced activity. It can be a sign of anxiety and indicate that the gecko is uncomfortable in its environment.

Minimizing the Impact of Stress on Pregnant Leopard Geckos

To minimize the impact of stress on pregnant leopard geckos, it is essential to provide a comfortable and stress-free environment.

Some steps you can take include:

Provide a suitable enclosure

Leopard geckos require a specific environment to thrive, including a warm, humid hide and appropriate substrate. Ensure that the enclosure is well-suited to the gecko’s needs to minimize stress.

Minimize handling

Handling can be stressful for leopard geckos, especially during pregnancy. Limit handling to essential tasks only, such as cleaning and health checks.

Avoid social interaction

Leopard geckos are solitary animals and do not require social interaction. Keeping a pregnant gecko separate from other animals can reduce stress levels.

Provide a quiet environment

Loud noises and bright lights can be stressful for leopard geckos. Keep the enclosure in a quiet, low-traffic area of the house to minimize stress.

Monitor the environment

Keep an eye on the enclosure’s temperature, humidity, and lighting to ensure they are within the appropriate range. Changes in these factors can be stressful for the gecko.

How Long are Leopard Geckos Pregnant For?

Leopard geckos are not actually “pregnant” like mammals, but they do lay eggs. The female leopard gecko typically lays a clutch of eggs about once every four weeks during the breeding season, which usually lasts from January to August.

After the female has mated with a male, it takes about 2 to 3 weeks for the eggs to develop inside her body.

Once the eggs are fully developed, the female will lay them in a suitable nesting area. The actual laying process usually takes several hours.

Can Leopard Geckos Get Pregnant Without a Male?

No, leopard geckos cannot get pregnant without a male. They require sexual reproduction, meaning the female must mate with a male to fertilize her eggs.

A female leopard gecko may still lay eggs without a male, but it will be infertile and not develop into a baby gecko. It is because the eggs have not been fertilized by sperm from a male leopard gecko.

However, it’s worth noting that some species of reptiles are capable of asexual reproduction, also known as parthenogenesis. It means that the female can produce offspring without mating with a male. However, this is not the case for leopard geckos.

How to Take Care Of a Pregnant Leopard Gecko?

Taking care of a pregnant leopard gecko requires some additional attention and care to ensure the mother’s and the eggs’ health. Here are some tips:

Create a suitable environment

The pregnant leopard gecko needs a warm and comfortable environment to thrive. The temperature should range between 88°F to 90°F during the day and 75°F to 80°F at night.

You will also need to provide a moist hide box to help the gecko stay hydrated and reduce the risk of egg-binding.

Provide a nutritious diet

Pregnant geckos need a healthy and balanced diet to ensure they receive all the necessary nutrients.

You should feed them a variety of insects, such as crickets, mealworms, and waxworms. You can also supplement their diet with calcium and vitamin D3 to ensure proper egg development.

Increase calcium intake

During pregnancy, the female gecko needs extra calcium to support egg formation. You should dust the insects with calcium powder before feeding them to the gecko.

You can also provide a dish of calcium powder for the gecko to lick as needed.

Monitor the gecko

It is essential to monitor the pregnant gecko’s behavior and health closely. Watch for any signs of illness or discomfort, including lack of appetite, lethargy, or difficulty laying eggs.

Provide a suitable nesting site

Before the female gecko lays her eggs, you will need to provide a suitable nesting site. You can use a plastic container with a moist substrate or vermiculite.

The nesting site should be placed in a warm, dark, and quiet location to reduce stress.

Overall, taking care of a pregnant leopard gecko requires attention to detail and a willingness to provide a suitable environment and diet. With proper care, you can ensure that the gecko and her eggs thrive and hatch successfully.

What Should You Do After the Eggs are Laid? 

After leopard gecko eggs are laid, there are several important steps you should take to ensure the health and well-being of the developing embryos:

Remove the eggs from the laying box

Leopard gecko females typically lay their eggs in a designated laying box filled with moist substrate. Once the eggs are laid, carefully remove them from the laying box to a separate container.

Prepare an incubation container

The eggs will need to be incubated at a specific temperature and humidity level for successful hatching. Prepare a separate container with a suitable incubation medium, such as vermiculite or perlite.

Incubate the eggs

Place the eggs in the incubation container and maintain the appropriate temperature and humidity levels. Leopard gecko eggs typically take around 45-60 days to hatch.

Monitor the eggs

Check the eggs regularly for signs of development, such as veining or movement inside the egg. Discard any eggs that appear to be infertile or have stopped developing.

Prepare for hatching

Once the eggs start to hatch, prepare a separate enclosure for the baby geckos. The enclosure should be appropriately sized with suitable heating and lighting.

Assist with hatching if necessary

In some cases, the baby geckos may have difficulty hatching from their eggs. If you notice a baby struggling, you may need to assist with hatching.

This should only be done under the guidance of a veterinarian or experienced reptile breeder.

By following these steps, you can increase the chances of successfully hatching leopard gecko eggs and ensuring the health of the baby geckos.


If you are a leopard gecko owner and suspect your gecko is pregnant, it’s important to monitor her closely for any signs of changes in behavior or physical appearance.

Make sure to provide your gecko with a suitable laying box and a varied and nutritious diet to ensure the healthiest pregnancy possible. 

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Mian Hasnat

As an animal lover since childhood, Mian Hasnat has always had a deep interest in the intricacies of animal life. His passion for animals has only grown over time, and he finds great joy in researching and writing about various aspects of the animal kingdom.

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