Blanket Love: Bearded Dragons’ Cozy Secrets

Bearded dragons are fascinating reptiles known for their unique personalities and behaviors. As reptile enthusiasts, we naturally want to provide the best possible care and comfort for our scaly friends. One common question that arises in this quest for optimal care is whether bearded dragons like blankets.

This comprehensive guide will delve into the world of bearded dragon behavior and preferences to understand whether these reptiles have any affinity for blankets.

Understanding Bearded Dragon Behavior

Before we dive into the specific topic of blankets, it’s essential to have a solid understanding of bearded dragon behavior. Bearded dragons, scientifically known as Pogona, are native to arid regions of Australia.

In the wild, they are known for their basking behavior, where they spend a significant portion of their day soaking up the sun’s warmth to regulate their body temperature. This behavior is crucial for their overall health and well-being.

Bearded dragons often exhibit similar behaviors in captivity, albeit in artificial environments. They require a basking area with the right temperature gradient to maintain their body temperature effectively. Beyond thermoregulation, bearded dragons are known for their curious and sometimes quirky behavior. They may interact with various objects in their enclosure, explore their surroundings, and even show signs of social behaviors with their owners.

Blankets and Bearded Dragons

Now that we have a foundational understanding of bearded dragon behavior let’s explore the topic of blankets. Blankets are commonly associated with providing warmth and comfort, primarily for humans.

However, the question arises: do bearded dragons perceive blankets like we do? Do they show any interest in or preference for blankets?

Do Bearded Dragons Like Blankets?

Can Bearded Dragons Like Blankets

Bearded dragons are highly sensitive to their environment. They use their keen senses, including sight and touch, to navigate their surroundings.  Regarding blankets, bearded dragons are likely to sense them , primarily through their sense of touch. The texture and temperature of a blanket may register with these reptiles, but it’s essential to remember that their perception of the world is different from ours.

Do They Show Interest in Blankets?

Bearded dragons may interact with blankets in their enclosure. However, their interest is not necessarily driven by a desire for warmth or comfort like humans use blankets. Instead, their interactions with blankets are more likely driven by curiosity or exploration.

Observations of Bearded Dragons with Blankets

Reptile enthusiasts and owners have reported various interactions between bearded dragons and blankets in their enclosures. These interactions can vary widely among individual dragons. Here are some common observations:

Basking Behavior

Bearded dragons may sometimes climb onto blankets that are placed near their basking spot. This behavior could result from the blanket being close to the heat source, providing a warm surface for basking.

Digging and Burrowing

Some bearded dragons may be interested in burrowing or digging under blankets or soft materials. This behavior could mimic their natural instinct to burrow in loose substrates in the wild.


Bearded dragons are naturally curious creatures, and they may explore their enclosures, including blankets, as part of their daily activities. They may climb on top of or under blankets as they investigate their surroundings.

Factors to Consider

While it’s clear that bearded dragons may interact with blankets, there are several factors to consider when interpreting their behavior:

Temperature and Climate

Bearded dragons are ectothermic, meaning they rely on external heat sources to regulate their body temperature. The temperature and climate in their enclosure play a significant role in their behavior. A bearded dragon may be drawn to it for thermoregulation rather than comfort if a blanket is placed near a basking area and provides a warm surface.

Individual Bearded Dragon Personalities

Just like humans, bearded dragons have distinct personalities. Some may be more adventurous and curious, while others may be more reserved. Their individual personalities can influence how they interact with objects in their environment, including blankets.

Environmental Enrichment

Providing environmental enrichment is essential for the well-being of captive bearded dragons. Blankets and other objects and materials can serve as enrichment tools that stimulate their minds and bodies. Bearded dragons may interact with blankets as a form of mental and physical exercise.

Potential Benefits

While blankets may not serve the same purpose for bearded dragons as they do for humans, there are potential benefits to providing blankets and similar items in their enclosures:

Comfort and Security

When used appropriately, Blankets can offer a sense of comfort and security to bearded dragons. Some dragons may burrow under or rest on blankets, finding a cozy spot where they feel safe.

Mimicking Natural Burrowing Behavior

In the wild, bearded dragons often burrow in loose substrates to escape extreme temperatures and predators. Providing blankets or soft materials in their enclosure can mimic this natural behavior and allow them to burrow or dig.

Reducing Stress and Anxiety

Environmental enrichment, such as the presence of blankets, can help reduce stress and anxiety in captive bearded dragons. Interaction with different textures and surfaces can stimulate their senses and provide mental stimulation.

Potential Risks

While blankets can offer benefits, it’s crucial to be aware of potential risks associated with their use in a bearded dragon’s enclosure:

Overheating Concerns

Blankets can trap heat and raise the temperature in the enclosure, leading to overheating. It’s essential to monitor the temperature and ensure the blanket does not cause the basking area to become too hot.

Ingesting Fabric or Fibers

Bearded dragons may chew on or ingest fabric or fibers from blankets. Ingesting foreign objects can pose a risk of impaction, a condition where the digestive system becomes blocked. To prevent this, closely supervise your bearded dragon when it interacts with blankets.

Monitoring Bearded Dragons with Blankets

If you choose to provide blankets or similar materials in your bearded dragon’s enclosure, monitoring their behavior is essential. Ensure that the blanket does not create any hazards or cause discomfort to your bearded dragon.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Do bearded dragons like blankets?

Bearded dragons may interact with blankets in their enclosure. Still, as humans do, their interest is often driven by curiosity or the need for environmental enrichment rather than a preference for warmth or comfort.

Why do some bearded dragons climb onto blankets?

Bearded dragons may climb onto blankets near a heat source, such as a basking area. They do this to regulate their body temperature effectively.

Do bearded dragons need blankets for warmth?

Bearded dragons primarily rely on basking under heat lamps or UVB lights to maintain their body temperature. While they may use blankets as a warm surface, they are not a primary source of warmth.

Can using blankets help reduce stress in bearded dragons?

Environmental enrichment, including the presence of blankets, can help reduce stress and provide mental stimulation for bearded dragons.

Are there any signs that a blanket might be causing discomfort to my bearded dragon?

Signs of discomfort can include excessive hiding under the blanket, attempts to ingest or chew on the fabric, or increased stress behaviors. If you observe any of these signs, consider removing the blanket.


In conclusion, while bearded dragons may not have the same emotional attachment to blankets as humans, they can interact with blankets in various ways. These interactions are influenced by factors such as temperature, individual personalities, and the desire for environmental enrichment.

Providing blankets or soft materials in a bearded dragon’s enclosure can offer comfort, security, and opportunities for natural behaviors like burrowing. However, it’s essential to be mindful of potential risks, such as overheating and ingestion of fabric.

Ultimately, the decision to include blankets in your bearded dragon’s habitat should be made carefully considering your pet’s specific needs and behaviors. Understanding your bearded dragon’s preferences and monitoring their interactions with blankets can create a safe and enriching environment for these captivating reptiles.

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Mian Hasnat

As an animal lover since childhood, Mian Hasnat has always had a deep interest in the intricacies of animal life. His passion for animals has only grown over time, and he finds great joy in researching and writing about various aspects of the animal kingdom.

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