Can Bearded Dragons Eat Spring Mix?

Bearded dragons are popular pets that require a balanced diet to stay healthy and happy.

While they primarily eat insects and vegetables, their dietary needs can sometimes confuse pet owners. One such question often arises, “can bearded dragons eat spring mix?” 

Spring mix is a blend of various leafy greens and is a common ingredient in many salads.

In this article, we will explore whether spring mix is suitable for bearded dragons and what precautions you should take when feeding it to them. So, can bearded dragons eat spring mix?

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Spring Mix?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat spring mix, but it should not be the main staple of their diet.

Spring mix combines different greens, such as lettuce, spinach, and arugula, and can provide some variety and additional nutrients to a bearded dragon’s diet.

However, it’s important to note that some types of lettuce, such as iceberg lettuce, have little nutritional value and should be avoided.

Bearded dragons should also not be fed too much spinach or kale, as they contain high levels of oxalates, which can bind to calcium and prevent its absorption, leading to nutritional deficiencies and health problems.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Spring Mix Daily?

While spring mix can be a healthy addition to a bearded dragon’s diet, feeding it to them daily is not recommended as the primary source of greens.

It is because spring mix is a mix of different greens, and some may not be ideal for regular consumption by bearded dragons.

A varied diet is important for bearded dragons to ensure they receive all the necessary nutrients to maintain good health.

It’s recommended to offer a variety of leafy greens, such as collard greens, mustard greens, and turnip greens, along with other vegetables and fruits.

Additionally, bearded dragons require a diet high in calcium and low in phosphorus, so it’s important to feed them a variety of foods that meet these requirements.

Why Can Bearded Dragons Eat Spring Mix only As A Treat?

Spring mix is a type of salad mix that typically contains a variety of leafy greens such as spinach, kale, arugula, and other plants.

While these greens may be a good source of nutrition for humans, they may not be suitable as a primary diet for bearded dragons.

Bearded dragons require a diet that is high in fiber, protein, and calcium. While spring mix can provide some of these nutrients, it may not provide enough of them in the right balance for a bearded dragon’s needs.

Additionally, some of the greens in the spring mix, such as spinach, contain high levels of oxalates, which can bind to calcium, making it difficult for the bearded dragon to absorb the calcium it needs for proper bone growth and health.

Feeding spring mix to your bearded dragon occasionally is okay, but it should not be the mainstay of their diet.

Instead, they should be fed a variety of leafy greens, vegetables, fruits, and insects that are appropriate for their nutritional needs.

How Can Bearded Dragons Eat Spring Mix?

To feed spring mix to bearded dragons, you can follow these steps:

Choose Fresh Spring Mix

Select a fresh, pesticide-free spring mix that contains a variety of leafy greens, such as kale, dandelion greens, and collard greens.

Avoid spring mixes that contain spinach, as it can bind calcium and cause health problems for your bearded dragon.

Wash the Spring Mix

Rinse the spring mix thoroughly in running water to remove any dirt or debris.

Chop the Spring Mix

Using a sharp knife or kitchen scissors, chop the spring mix into small, bite-sized pieces that your bearded dragon can easily eat.

Offer the Spring Mix

Place the chopped spring mix in your bearded dragon’s feeding dish. Be sure to remove any uneaten food after a few hours to prevent it from spoiling.

In addition to spring mix, offer your bearded dragon a variety of other vegetables, fruits, insects, and meat to ensure they are getting a balanced diet.


While spring mix can be a nutritious addition to a bearded dragon’s diet, it should not be the primary food source. Bearded dragons require a balanced diet that consists primarily of protein-rich insects and vegetables with a high calcium content.

Additionally, it’s important to avoid feeding them any plants that may be toxic to reptiles. With proper care and a varied diet, bearded dragons can thrive and live happy lives.

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Mian Hasnat

As an animal lover since childhood, Mian Hasnat has always had a deep interest in the intricacies of animal life. His passion for animals has only grown over time, and he finds great joy in researching and writing about various aspects of the animal kingdom.

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