Cranberries & Bearded Dragons: A Sweet or Risky Treat?

Welcome to the intriguing world of bearded dragons and their dietary preferences! As reptile enthusiasts and pet owners alike seek to provide the best care for their scaly companions, the question of whether bearded dragons can partake in cranberries has surfaced.

So, Can bearded dragons eat cranberries? Yes, they can…but not too often.

How Often Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cranberries?

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cranberries

When offering cranberries to bearded dragons, it’s crucial to take into account their general health and nutritional requirements. While cranberries can be provided as an occasional indulgence, they should not constitute a consistent element of their diet.

 Healthy bearded dragons can eat cranberries once or twice a month without worry.  Let’s take a look at some of the nutritional benefits of cranberry for bearded dragons.

Vitamin C: Cranberries offer vitamin C support for the immune system.

Potassium: They provide essential potassium for proper body functions.

High in Water: The high water content in cranberries contributes to hydration.

Why Can’t Bearded Dragons Have Cranberries All the Time? 

Unbalanced Calcium to Phosphorus Ratio

For bearded dragons, it’s important to maintain a precise balance of calcium and phosphorus in their diet. This balance supports their healthy bone development, muscle operation, and overall wellness. Calcium contributes to strong bones, while phosphorus is essential for energy metabolism.

Cranberries have a higher phosphorus content compared to calcium. Feeding a diet high in phosphorus without a proper calcium balance can lead to serious health issues like metabolic bone disease (MBD). MBD weakens bones, causes deformities, and can be life-threatening.


Similar to numerous fruits, cranberries contain a significant amount of water. While water is crucial for all living creatures, including bearded dragons, excessive intake can result in health issues linked to overhydration. Bearded dragons are accustomed to dry surroundings and have developed the ability to acquire most of their hydration from the moisture present in their food.

Feeding them water-rich foods daily, like cranberry, can disrupt their natural water balance, potentially leading to digestive issues, kidney problems, and even water toxicity.


Cranberries contain natural sugars. While small amounts of natural sugars are not inherently harmful, excessive sugar intake can lead to obesity, diabetes, and dental issues in bearded dragons. These reptiles are not adapted to process high amounts of sugars in fruits. Consuming many sugary foods can mess with how their body processes things and negatively affect their overall health.


Cranberries have some elements called oxalates, which might slow down the absorption of calcium and possibly add to kidney stones or problems in the urinary tract. Bearded dragons are prone to calcium-related issues, and oxalates can worsen these concerns by limiting their capacity to utilize dietary calcium efficiently.

How do you feed cranberries to your bearded dragons? 

Choose Fresh Cranberries: Opt for fresh cranberries instead of dried or processed varieties. Fresh cranberries are less likely to contain added sugars or preservatives.

Clean and Prepare: Wash the cranberries to remove any pesticides or contaminants. You can remove any stems or leaves before offering them to your bearded dragon.

Cut into Small Pieces: Cranberries are relatively large for a bearded dragon’s small size, so it’s important to cut them into small, manageable pieces. It helps prevent choking and aids in digestion.

Monitor for Any Reactions: Observe your bearded dragon for adverse reactions after offering cranberries. If you observe any indications of digestive discomfort, such as diarrhea or alterations in behavior, stop providing cranberries as food.

Balance with Calcium-Rich Foods: If you incorporate cranberries into your beardie diet, ensure they are integrated into a well-balanced nutritional regimen. Bearded dragons need a diet abundant in calcium and low in phosphorus. To offset the elevated phosphorus levels in cranberries, ensure that the other elements of your dragon’s diet encompass calcium-fortified foods like insects with calcium supplements and leafy greens.

Avoid Canned or Processed Cranberries: Canned or processed cranberries usually have extra ingredients like added sugars, preservatives, and other things that can hurt bearded dragons. It’s better to choose fresh, whole cranberries for the best nutrition.

Frequently Asked Questions:(FAQS)

Can Beardies have cranberry juice?

No, bearded dragons should not drink cranberry juice. While humans may consume cranberry juice, it’s unsuitable for bearded dragons.

Can Baby Bearded Dragons Eat Cranberries?

No, it is not recommended to feed cranberries to baby bearded dragons. Baby bearded dragons have delicate digestive systems and specific nutritional requirements, and cranberries may not suit them.

Can Bearded dragons eat cranberry sauce? 

No, bearded dragons should not eat cranberry sauce. It’s high in sugar and may contain harmful additives that can upset their digestive system.

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Mian Hasnat

As an animal lover since childhood, Mian Hasnat has always had a deep interest in the intricacies of animal life. His passion for animals has only grown over time, and he finds great joy in researching and writing about various aspects of the animal kingdom.

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