Can Bearded Dragons Eat Beetroot? A Detailed Guide

Bearded dragons are friendly and adorable reptiles that make exceptional pets.

As a responsible owner, you may wonder about the suitability of various foods for your scaly friend.

One such query that arises is, “Can bearded dragons eat beetroot?” This article will cover everything you need to know about feeding your bearded dragon beetroot.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Beetroot?

The short answer is yes; bearded dragons can eat beetroot. But it is important to remember that beetroot should not be a bearded dragon’s primary food source. 

How Can Bearded Dragons Have Beetroot?

Here’s a safe way to offer beetroot as a treat:

Preparation: Wash the beetroots thoroughly to remove any dirt or residues. You can peel them or leave the skin on, but peeling may reduce the oxalate content.

Portion Size: Cut the beetroots into small, bite-sized pieces. Remember that beetroot should only be a small part of their diet, so keep the portion size minimal. A small piece, around the size of their eye, is usually sufficient.

Frequency: Beetroots should be treated as an occasional treat, not a regular food item. Offer them once a month at most to prevent potential health issues.

Supplements: Dusting insects and vegetables with calcium and vitamin D3 supplements is essential to prevent calcium deficiencies. 

Observation: Watch your bearded dragon for any signs of discomfort, unusual behavior, or changes in their stool after consuming beetroots. If you notice any issues, consult a veterinarian specializing in reptile health.

Also Read: Can Bearded Dragons Eat Guava?


Can Bearded dragons eat beetroot every day?

No, bearded dragons should not eat beetroot every day.

How often can bearded dragons eat beetroot?

Ideally, you should offer beetroot to your bearded dragon no more than once a month. 

Why can bearded dragons have beetroot only as a treat?

Bearded dragons can only have beetroot as a treat due to the high oxalate content in beetroot. 

Can baby bearded dragons eat beetroot?

It’s generally not recommended to feed baby bearded dragons beetroot.

Can bearded dragons eat beetroot leaves?

Yes, bearded dragons can consume beetroot leaves in small quantities. However, it’s essential to ensure the leaves are thoroughly washed and free from pesticides or harmful substances.

Can bearded dragons eat raw beetroot?

Bearded dragons can eat raw beetroot.

Can bearded dragons eat beetroot pickled?

Pickled beetroot is not recommended for bearded dragons.

The pickling process often involves adding vinegar, salt, and other seasonings that can be harmful to bearded dragons.

Can Bearded dragons eat beetroot skin?

No, bearded dragons should not eat beetroot skin. The skin of beetroot can be tough to digest for them.


While bearded dragons can technically consume beetroot, it is not an ideal food for them due to its high oxalate content and potential digestive challenges.

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Mian Hasnat

As an animal lover since childhood, Mian Hasnat has always had a deep interest in the intricacies of animal life. His passion for animals has only grown over time, and he finds great joy in researching and writing about various aspects of the animal kingdom.

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